Thursday, June 12, 2008

My Everlasting Bagstopper

Everlasting Bagstopper 6

I have so much cotton yarn that I decided to make this awesome bag from called the Everlasting Bagstopper.

Everlasting Bagstopper 5

I made it from a colorway called Sour Green Apple. It's become one of my favorites - I also made a dishcloth from it (of course...).

Sour Green Apple Chinese Waves

This is not the most recent version of the bag, however. I added a drawstring, which is situated about a third up, which allows me to fold it up and store it in it's own little pouch. Cute. I also handstitched a thick strip of cream-colored webbing to the back of the strap b/c it was really stretchy and made it hard to carry when there was a lot of stuff in it. I split the yarn into two strands and used this to sew it on. I thought it'd look pretty cool with the same color stitching and it ended up working out!

I used it today, along with some other bags I had collected, at the grocery store and was amazed at how much this thing would hold - very stretchy! I need to remember to ask them next time, though, to put the bread at the top. It was on the side and ended up getting squished. But there was also a 2 liter and a box of Cheerios in there! I like using my own bags, but I need to bring more. Today, they filled them up so full trying to avoid using plastic bags that I could hardly carry a couple!

Not sure why I've gotten onto this recycle kick lately, but I've also been talking with Travis about getting a recycling box at our house for trash days. We have to call around because the garbage people apparently don't post the pricing information on their webpages.

1 comment:

Victoria said...

Thanks for updating your blog!