Saturday, March 8, 2008

Getting nervous

So as I'm going along nice and swimmingly with knitting the left front of my CPH, I am noticing that it is rather narrow - it looks way too narrow to be the front of a cardigan. this seems strange to me because I think that the back is fine. How could the back be the correct width, using the same needles, and the front part be too narrow? I measured it just laying out as flat as I could get it b/c of the curling edges and it looks like it is about 1.5 inches too narrow. Is this something to be afraid of, I'm wondering? I keep thinking I have issues with my gauge and this is another confirmation of this - I may just be one of those very inconsistent knitters. Some days I knit tightly and some days I knit too loosley. If that's the case, then I'm going to be a very frustrated knitter. So I'm trying to decide whether I should rip it out and start again, or just keep plugging along and see what happens. I'm actually right at the end, so maybe I'll go ahead and knit the right front and see if I have the same issue.

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